Thursday, August 20, 2009

To: President Obama
From: Dr. Death
Subject: Job Application
Dear Mr. President,
After listening to the crystal clear logic of that intellectual bar-setter, The Wasilla Wackjob, I have come to realize that you want to kill old people with your government healthcare. While you may not be as efficient as Dubya when he killed truckloads of people in Iraq with his government army, I think you can do one helluva job if you hire people with my experience.
See, I was instrumental in murdering both of my parents and my grandmother! I talked with each of them by the hour as they expressed their adamant conviction that no one was to take any life lengthening measures as they entered their final, terminal battles with cancer. I helped secure the necessary documents, gave orders to the doctors and made sure their wishes were carried out.
If I hadn't been there, and they had been without families, like people who may be on your government healthcare, the doctors could have lengthened their pain, agony and suffering many, many months. They could have had scores of medical procedures and surgeries that could have forced them to suffer untold hours of horrible pain and what is better, would have stripped from them every last vestige of human dignity.
Because of my cold-blooded, murdering, evil spirit, I allowed them their life-long wishes to face death on their own terms.
You need people like me on your death squads to assist those suffering from terminal illnesses, without the aid of friend or family to discern their desires and protect their last wishes, as they face death. I can help murder, murder, murder - just like I did to the people whom I loved more deeply than loved myself.
You da murderin-man!!!!

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