Tuesday, August 4, 2009

ALert! Alert! Alert!

To any and all of the Tulsa Public School, Deans, Counselors, Librarian, Nurses, Special Ed Teachers, or teachers teaching any of hundreds of courses not evaluated by state tests, The Voice From Left Field recommends that you request/attend staff development in Brown Nosing 1013 or Advanced Principal Keester-Kissing so that you can get in on those much balley-hooed bonuses offered by the Gates mega-millions.

Since merit pay is the new benchmark in TPS, and you don't qualify for bonuses unless you get GREAT evaluations, you better learn to play the new game by the new rules. Kiss Up, Kiss Keester and get in line for the small percentage of those who will get it. Like Cash-For-Clunkers, the bucks at VERY BEST, are limited. Get on board, get on your knees and get kissing!!!!!!

Remember you heard it first from Left Field.

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