Saturday, August 15, 2009

Dr. Ballard
Right Words
Right Track Record
Right Direction
But Will He Survive The TPS Meat Grinder?
Dr. Ballard:
  • Says teachers are the key to successful student academic progress -We've heard that before.
  • Says principals are the key to a successful building - We've heard that before.
  • Says TCTA has been a source of reliable information - Haven't heard that before.
  • Meets regularly with TCTA/OEA Reps - Only Dr. Sawyer tried that.
  • Publicly compliments TCTA for their assistance to the District - That's a first.
  • Knows TCTA and OEA Reps personally - That's a first.
  • Does not hate teachers' unions - That's a first.
  • Was once an OEA organizer - That's a first.
  • Says under-performing principals will be removed - We've heard that before.
  • Has a proven track record of cooperation with teachers' unions - That's a first.
  • Has reorganized the ESC - That happens every year in TPS.
  • Says he wants a new, fairer way of evaluating teachers - If only!!!!!
  • Says TPS isn't going to continue to shove every program d' jour down our throats and up our butts - This will be a first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Call me Charlie Brown. Call me gullible for thinking that THIS time Lucy won't yank away the football at the last minute. Call me late to lunch. But I'm willing to give Dr. Ballard a shot at the infamous ESC/School Board meat grinder. A mega-million dollar meat grinder that underpays teachers, overpays all those mystery people in hidden cubicles, buys and trains personnel for programs that it knows won't work, stabs employees in the back and then wrings its hands wondering why we don't trust them.

We can hope against hope that Dr. Ballard will succeed as he has in the past. If he doesn't God help us - every one!

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